Homebrew FOSS by HackerSpace PESUECC
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HSP Manifesto 2023
HSP 2023 Manifesto The humble tradition of writing down a manifesto for Hackerspace ECC was started by our ex-core team lead, exactly a year ago. As Maya Angelou once said "Traditions are not...
read articleHistory
Siddarth.D.PaiActivities by HSP ECC: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud...
read articleCompile-3
SripadIntro Everyone knows what the CPU is. It does all the computational work in your computer by executing "instructions". As programmers, it is our job to provide the CPU with these...
read articleGit Up and Running
Anirudh Rowjee! WIP post ! This post is originally at https://rowjee.com/blog/git_up_and_running. Read Below for more...
read articleIntroduction to Flutter
Siddarth.D.PaiIntrodution If you’ve always been fascinated by how to develop apps and always wanted to learn how to, Flutter is the language you’ve been looking for. In this blog, let’s run through the basics of...
read articleBotCamp | The Telegram Bot Workshop
Anurag RaoIntroduction I'm sure you'd have talked to a bot at least once. Be it on discord, telegram, to a bank, or any other business for that matter. You'd be learning how to build these bots from this...
read articleData Structures for Beginners | A Complete Guide
Preethi. MIntroduction: Most of us see a question and just start typing out some logic that comes to our mind. Most of the time we don’t give importance to which approach is to be followed. While a program can...
read articleLarge git objects and the power of git rebase.
P K Navin ShrinivasPreface git rebase, is a command I've heard only the true git master ninjas use. A command that baffled me for years was finally demystified! Let's first set the scene. I wanted to read some code...
read articleWhat Linux Distro To Choose? | A Beginner's Guide
Anurag RaoIntroduction If you are manifesting joining the Linux clan and thinking about it, it’s time. It’s time to ditch Windows for good and save some money by doing so. Also, keep your sanity from monthly...
read articleGo 101 - HackerSpace PESUECC's Golang Workshop!
Mentors, HackerSpace PESUECCNote : Setup and Pre-requisites are a must, the mentors will NOT be helping you install go during workshop. Pre-requisites | Setup For linux : sudo rm -rf /usr/local/go && tar -C /usr/local...
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